R.I.S.E Project

R.I.S.E (Redeemed Initiative for Skills and Empowerment) Project

Freesia Foundation in the past seven years have worked with the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) National Young Adults and Youth Affairs through the RISE project to provide development for up to 500 youths twice every year, Some of these young adults have gone on to affect over 100 communities across the Federation with the skill acquired from this project.

RISE project is a two-week intensive vocational training where various skills as Arts and Crafts, Web Designing, Photography, Fish Farming, Baking, Interior Decoration, Desktop publishing, driving among others are taught.

Apart from helping with the supervision and coordination of the programmes, we at (Freesia Foundation) facilitated the Website design class and the Make-up and Gele class for the two weeks camping.








Have a question?

If you would like to discuss details of a certain project, email us and we will gladly answer all your questions.